General chest problems

The following home remedies may help you with any general chest problems that you might have: No. Remedy 1 If your chest is wheezing and anxious, rub some Zambuck ointment on the chest or on a cloth that you put on the chest. Keep warm. This will help to provide some relief. 2 The following mixture may help you with…

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Colds and Flu

Colds and Flu

The following home remedies may help you if you suffer from colds and flu: No. Remedy 1 If you have cold hands, grab onto your wrists. Your hands will be warm soon. 2 If you use honey regularly, it will help you avoid colds and flu. Honey is a natural defence against germs. 3 Mix 1 bottle peppermint drops, 1…

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As jy enige probleme moet hoes ondervind, kan jy die volgende probeer: Nr. Wenk 1 As jy 'n hoesmiddel nodig het, meng heuning in water met suurlemoensap of appelasyn. 2 Meng 1 bottel heuning met die volgende Lennon produkte: 1 bottel Peppermentdruppels, 1 bottel Borsdruppels, 1 bottel Jamaika Gemmer, 1 bottel Turlington, 1 bottel Paragora, 1 bottel Epejuana Tinktuur en…

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Algemene borskwale

Die volgende boererate kan jou dalk help met enige algemene borskwale wat jy het: Nr. Wenk 1 As jou bors te en benoud is, smeer Zambok salf aan die bors of op 'n lappie wat jy teen die bors sit. Hou dit warm. dit sal help om die bors oop te maak. 2 Die volgende mengsel sal help algemene borskwale…

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Read more about the article Griep en verkoues
Colds and Flu

Griep en verkoues

Die volgende boererate kan jou dalk help as jy aan griep en verkoues ly: Nr. Wenk 1 As jy koue hande het, hou jou polse vas. Jou hande sal gou warm word. As jy gereeld heuning gebruik, sal dit jou help om verkoues en griep te vermy. Heuning is a natuurlike bevegter van kieme. 2 Meng 1 bottel pepermuntdruppels, 1…

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