Arthritis and joint pain

If you suffer from arthritis and joint pain, you can try the following: No. Remedy 1 Drink Omega 3, 6 and 6 oil capsules and iron supplements regularly. 2 Eat yellow foods such as apricots, Melons, Oranges and Peaches. Orange pumpkin, orange juice and watermelon can prevent arthritis. 3 Eat walnuts, soya beans and fatty fish on a regular basis.…

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Artritis en Gewrigspyne

As jy aan artritis en gewrigspyne ly, kan jy die volgende probeer: Nr. Wenke 1 Drink gereeld Omega 3, 6 en 6 olie kapsules en yster aanvullings. 2 Eet geel voedselsoorte soos Appelkose, Spanspek, Lemoene en Perskes. Oranje pampoen, lemoensap en waatlemoen kan artritis voorkom. 3 Eet okkerneute, soyabone en vetterige vis op 'n gereelde basis. 4 Meng 2 koppies…

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If anyone is suffering from croup, the following tips cmay help you: No. Remedy 1 Give the child strong salt water to drink. He or she will vomit and the mucus will come out. 2 Mix 1 cup of honey with 1 teaspoon baking powder together and give the child 1 teaspoon of it. This will loosen the mucus very…

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As enige iemand aan kroep ly, kan die volgende wenke jou dalk help: Nr. Wenke 1 Gee die siek persoon soet tee met 2ml mostert om te drink. Dit sal die persoon laat opbring en van die slym ontslae raak. Meng 1 teelepel aluin en 2 teelepels suiker goed saam. Gee die persoon elk 2 uur 'n kwart teelepel van…

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If you have bedsores, the following may help: No. Remedy 1 Throw little brandy over quince pips and let it stand a while until it becomes a jelly form. Spread the affected person with the jelly. 2 Beat one egg white and add brandy. Spread on the sores. 3 Let the person lay on tanned skin. 4 Take Prep and…

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